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Architecture Review Process

Role of the Architecture Review Team (ARC)

- The ARC team are volunteer property owners.  The ARC team's goal is to protect property owners from starting costly projects which may be in violation of HOA rules.  The ARC also answers questions in advance of starting a project and clarifies interpretations in gray areas.  The ARC strives to be flexible and help property owners meet their needs, while staying in line with the rules we all agreed to when we purchased our property. 

- What constitutes the need to request ARC approval?  All projects which involve creating or installing anything which is manmade on the exterior of the home, will usually need ARC approval.  It's mostly about visual appearance. 


- There are very few landscaping rules.  ARC approval is not required for projects which do not involve manmade objects.  Landscaping guidelines are documented in the Rules and Regulations.   

- ARC does not make or modify the rules.  ARC simply ensures compliance by homeowners/contractors to existing rules written in the HOA CC&R's, Architectural Guidelines, and Rules and Regulations.


- ARC does not have authority to make exceptions.  The HOA Board carries that responsibility should the homeowner wish to formally request an exception or deviation from the guidelines.


-  "Grandfather"...  ARC recognizes that certain lots currently have features from past projects that are in violation of existing CC&R's and Guidelines (example: above ground propane tanks).  However, ARC is tasked with monitoring/approving only designs and construction that comply with current language within the CC&R's and Architectural Guidelines.  * Bottom-Line - Please do not assume a requested design or feature will be approved simply because a neighbor has the same on their property. *

Step By Step Architecture Approval Process 


1.  Click here to be taken to the "Request Project Approval" page where you will see details to request approval for your project. 

2. Read the Pine Country 2 HOA CC&R's, Architectural Guidelines, and Rules and regulations documents.   Click here to go to the page where you can view and download these documents. 


3. Prepare the required drawings and supporting documentation that describes your proposed project design.  Complete the Architectural Review Application (Project Approval Request Form)


4. Submit the completed the Architectural Review Application (form) and required documentation/drawings by emailing them to


5. Submit checks for all relevant fees to the address indicated on the application instructions.


6. Projects are reviewed most Thursdays.  Within a few days after the review of your project you will receive notification of approval or not from ARC Team member *.  If not approved, an ARC team member will contact you to work out options to meet your need.  Most projects which are not approved are simply lacking required information.  After approval, your Architectural Review Application (Form) will be updated to show "Approved" and the document will be placed in your on-line project folder with all project related documentation. You will be sent an email with a link to your Project Folder.   

*note: Please wait for approval from the ARC Team before commencing work on your project.


7. Complete your project.  With new homes there are some interim steps during construction which will be explained at the time of approval or sooner. 


8. Send email to requesting a final inspection. 


9. Once final inspection is complete and approved, ARC will notify HOAMCO to issue a refund of the refundable fee (if applicable) to the homeowner.

High Country Pines 2, Heber, AZ                                        Pine Country HOA

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